26 signs you're a paradigm-shifter

26 signs you’re a paradigm-shifter

Wondering if you’re here to co-create a new paradigm? Here are some signs you’re here to create what only YOU can create:

  1. You’re a creative visionary, you value humane humanity, you are in love with this planet, you’re a leader who would rather co-create with a group of passionate people than wield the carrot and the stick, you long to feel fully ALIVE in your life—and you want others to, too.

  2. Self-doubt creeps in. The way you see things isn’t mainstream, so you find more skeptics than supporters. You question: Are they right, and you’re wrong? Did you get this all backwards? The constant tug of the mainstream permits self-doubt to linger.

  3. Your energy gets drained because you’re trying to align with the status quo—not your own energetic blueprint—in order to get your needs and desires met. But what you want and need can’t actually be met by the status quo. Aaaaannnddd, there’s that self-doubt, again.

  4. You devalue your creativity, since it doesn’t fit into a checkbox of “practical,” “logical,” or “scaleable.”

  5. You devalue your intuition, since it can be risky to admit you use and—gasp!—trust it in a paradigm that idolizes “logic” and “truth.”

  6. You devalue your knowing, since you don’t actually know how you know the deep things you know (you just know)—in a paradigm that thinks there’s only one (ahem, paid) path to the truth.

  7. You can tend towards lone wolfdom—it can be hard to find champions or people who get you, and you’re tired of not being able to share fully your dreams of a more beautiful world. You long for others who see the potential and possibilities you do.

  8. You’re bored. Your creativity, intuition, and bodily intelligence KNOW that a more vibrant, playful world is possible, but you’re crushed to a crisp by the relentless monotony of mainstreaming.

  9. You don’t actually reject the mainstream—you may have even tried hard to fit into it—you just see things differently.

  10. You’re often in low-key defense mode, because you’re constantly being doubted, questioned, and diminished by those who are wed to old-paradigm worldviews. You long to let your guard down and relax into your knowing.

  11. It can take a long time to bring your visions to fruition, because there’s a lack of existing support systems and channels for emerging visionwork that doesn’t follow a prescribed path. You feel like you’re bushwhacking your way through—because you are.

  12. Failure hits harder. You can see it as a signal that you’re on the wrong path, don’t have anything of value to offer, or you should just give up your dreams and learn how to live with the status quo—rather than seeing failure as an obstacle to overcome along the path you’re forging.

  13. There are no credentials—no diplomas, certifications, PhDs, black belts, medals—in shifting paradigms. This leaves you wondering if you’re even qualified to try to make the world more beautiful. You confuse not knowing how to bring about a more beautiful world with thinking you’re not meant to.

  14. Structure and accountability can be hard to find with emergent, creative, visionary work—so it can be hard to focus energy. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can feel like you’re scattered or not making progress as fast as you’d like.

  15. You struggle to feel valued in systems designed to award obedience, output, and quantity—not devotion to beauty, craft, embodiment, quality, compassion, and pleasure.

  16. You might value things differently than your family of origin, making it harder to measure success and find belonging.

  17. You feel guilty for wanting to live an embodied, pleasureful life in a paradigm that glorifies self-sacrifice, detachment, hyperlogic, and boxes.

  18. You have periods of hopelessness: it’s all so complex, how can you possibly make a difference?

  19. You feel flashes of anger: it shouldn’t be this way, and it doesn’t have to be this way, so why is it still this way?

  20. You have bursts of energy, optimism, and enthusiasm, followed by apathy, dejectedness, and collapse when you don’t see change on as big a scale as you know is possible.

  21. You feel like you’re trying to sprint a marathon.

  22. You’ve been called a dreamer, idealist, naïve, impractical, that you just can’t face reality. Sometimes, you believe it.

  23. You think BIG, which means complexity; the entangled complexity—which is an incredible perspective—can lead to overwhelm, avoidance, and procrastination because you’re not sure where to begin or feel anxiety about the scale and impact of it.

  24. You have a vision pulling you forward, and a drive for transformation you can’t ignore—even though you’ve tried.

  25. You may not be exactly sure how, but you suspect this path is somehow healing—for yourself, for others, and the world.

  26. You just want what you want; why can’t you just… have it?

If any of these sound familiar… you may just be here to create a more beautiful world, not fit into the old one.

I’ve created my coaching sanctuary for people like you: This is a space to nurture new ideas, let go of old ones, create, co-create, regenerate, replenish, rewild, and most of all—to OFFER your evolutionary fire to the world.